MY Ocean Liberty – Refurbishment – Complete Overhaul

MY Ocean Liberty – Refurbishment – Complete Overhaul

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Motor Yacht  “Ocean Liberty”

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam posuere, dui non finibus dictum, magna ante gravida est, id vehicula libero eros at nisl. Cras non dictum tellus, non tincidunt nisi. Morbi pellentesque rutrum lorem in posuere. Fusce finibus at orci et consectetur. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In this is a link quis blandit. Suspendisse dolor metus, this is a link on hover sed erat a, dignissim dictum enim. Sed egestas aliquet mi quis maximus. Nunc semper rutrum neque, sed congue quam. Pellentesque eu nulla ac eros finibus tempor.

MY Ocean Liberty was designed by the prestigious Camper and Nicholson in 1966. In the year 2000 the owners issued an international call, through their management company, to refurbish and complete an overhaul of the Yacht.

The Owners of this beautiful yacht had picked our yard because they were impressed with the facilities we could offer and all the works we could cover with our own personnel. At the time the yacht was berthed in Monte Carlo and it sailed to Malta for this extensive project to be completely overhauled. The fact that the yacht travelled all the way to Malta clearly showed the owner’s willingness to do the works at our yard.

As in other projects we ensured that we gave our all towards this project giving the crew of the Ocean Liberty the best of hospitalities. This is one of our major strong points of our yard. We fall in love with the Yachts we are servicing and maintaining treating them as if they are our own. During the works we kept constant communication with the yacht captain clearly explaining the progress and the works being done. The following are the main works we covered for the Ocean Liberty:

  • Big repairs to the hull
  • Alterations to the aluminium super structure
  • Installation of new electrical wiring and systems
  • Installation of new engines and generators
  • Fitting of new piping and fire-fighting system
  • Replacement of upholstery
  • New furniture and fittings
  • Replacement and installation of new teak decking
  • New woodwork
  • Overall painting of the yacht which was fully under our responsibility.

This was one of the most challenging but most rewarding contracts we completed in recent years. The input of our engineering department was crucial in the success of this project. All works were completed in the most professional manner and to the satisfaction of the Captain and the Ship Owners. In the end this is always our ultimate objective.

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MY Pepito - Design and Built from Scratch of 24-meter Motor Yacht

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Bezzina Yacht Yard Ltd

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam posuere, dui non finibus dictum, magna ante gravida est, id vehicula libero eros at nisl. Cras non dictum tellus, non tincidunt nisi. Morbi pellentesque rutrum lorem in posuere. Fusce finibus at orci et consectetur. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In this is a link quis blandit. Suspendisse dolor metus, this is a link on hover sed erat a, dignissim dictum enim. Sed egestas aliquet mi quis maximus. Nunc semper rutrum neque, sed congue quam. Pellentesque eu nulla ac eros finibus tempor.

This was our company’s dream. Our very own design and building of a luxurious motor yacht. The design was carried out by a reputable Italian engineering company and all the building works were carried out by our yard.

Fabrication of the hull and superstructure were completely done in-house at our state-of-the-art fabrication shop. The same with regards to all the wood which were completely done by our experienced carpenters with the support of several reputable sub-contractors in the marine industry locally. Piping, firefighting, mechanical and engineering works were all performed by our engineering department. All electronic equipment was purchased from Italy and commissioned by our yard. The painting of the hull, the superstructure and the teak decking were carried out to
highest levels and the finest of details by our own professional employees.

The complete built of this vessel at our yard is the first one of its kind in Malta. To top it up this Motor Yacht was completed in just under one year. This is an exceptional timing considering all the complexities this project entailed.

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Infrastructure Malta – Quay Consolidation and Dredging Works at the Mgarr Port Fishing Harbour, Malta

Infrastructure Malta – Quay Consolidation and Dredging Works at the Mgarr Port Fishing Harbour, Malta
Start Date
Finish Date
Project Value
Infrastructure Malta
€ 4,000,000
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam posuere, dui non finibus dictum, magna ante gravida est, id vehicula libero eros at nisl. Cras non dictum tellus, non tincidunt nisi. Morbi pellentesque rutrum lorem in posuere. Fusce finibus at orci et consectetur. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In this is a link quis blandit. Suspendisse dolor metus, this is a link on hover sed erat a, dignissim dictum enim. Sed egestas aliquet mi quis maximus. Nunc semper rutrum neque, sed congue quam. Pellentesque eu nulla ac eros finibus tempor.

An international call for tenders was issued and awarded to BH Joint Venture, a joint venture between Bezzina Maritime Services Limited and Road Construction Company Limited based in Gozo. Bezzina Maritime Services Limited acted as the lead partner on this venture.

The project covered land and marine works, strengthening of jetty with sheet piles and bored piles, placing of revetment along the jetty, removal and construction of new slipways and capital dredging works in the North and South Bay of Mgarr Port in Gozo.

The works covered by Bezzina maritime were sheet piling, fabrication of rotary pipes for piling, part placing of the revetment and capital dredging works. The dredging works included the removal of contaminated materials from the seabed and safe disposal of same to assigned dumping sites. The remaining civil works were carried out by Road Construction Company.

All works were completed by the end 2020 as stipulated in the tender document.

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Malta Freeport Terminal Ltd – Erection and Maintenance of Freeport Equipment

Malta Freeport Terminal Ltd – Erection and Maintenance of Freeport Equipment
Start Date
Finish Date
Project Value
Malta Freeport Terminals Ltd.
€ 6,000,000

Between 1995 and 2005, Malta Freeport Terminals Limited invested heavily in port related equipment and machinery. Our company was engaged to carry out several engineering and construction works during the same period.

In the beginning we were commissioned to erect 13 Rubber Tired Gantries (RTGs) and 6 Quay Cranes (QCs). Given the size of the project entrusted to us, the Group had decided to buy a 400-ton crane that would support the required works and complete our fleet. At the time, the crane was the largest of its sort in in Malta.

During these years, Malta Freeport entrusted us with the maintenance and repairs of the same and this because we had extensive knowledge in this sector. Some of the repairs (which included mechanical and electrical overhauls, blasting and painting) were carried out at a yard within the Terminal. This required the shifting of quay side rails from the jetty to the working area at the yard and the towing of quay side cranes using our heavy trucks.

Over more recent years larger vessels started calling at Malta Freeport who in turn continued to invest in its terminal. An international tendering call was issued for the revamping and upgrade of the quay side cranes. Our company was successful in getting this tender, together with OMG of Italy. The tender involved the revamp of 2 quay side cranes by increasing the height of the cranes by 6 meters and increasing the height of the boom by another 6 meters. This operation was engineered and certified complete by the original designers of the crane and was carried out to the satisfaction of the client. This kind of intervention to a quay side crane had never been done before internationally and we pride ourselves of the great job done on this project. We had done similar jobs though in Italy, Spain, and Algeria.

Recently Malta Freeport Terminals Limited decided to purchase readily erected quay side cranes from ZPMC of China and we were involved in all the commissioning of this machinery. This also paved the way for the removal of the original quay side cranes, which were then dismantled and carted away by our company.

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MY Lady GoodGirl – Yearly Maintenance and Conversions Throughout the Years

MY Lady GoodGirl – Yearly Maintenance and Conversions Throughout the Years

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Motor Yacht “Lady Good Girl”

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam posuere, dui non finibus dictum, magna ante gravida est, id vehicula libero eros at nisl. Cras non dictum tellus, non tincidunt nisi. Morbi pellentesque rutrum lorem in posuere. Fusce finibus at orci et consectetur. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In this is a link quis blandit. Suspendisse dolor metus, this is a link on hover sed erat a, dignissim dictum enim. Sed egestas aliquet mi quis maximus. Nunc semper rutrum neque, sed congue quam. Pellentesque eu nulla ac eros finibus tempor.

MY Lady GoodGirl first called at our yard way back in Year 2010 for a routine maintenance programme. Since then, Lady GG, as we affectionately call her, visits us on annual basis and spends most of the winter at our Yard. Our satisfaction is seeing a client like Lady GG coming back to us year after year. Lady GG is a beautiful 43-meter classic motor yacht built by Hall Russel in 1964.

Throughout the years the following are some of the works we conducted on the yacht at our boat yard:

  • Replacing of teak decking
  • Removal and fitting of new anchor winches and chains.
  • Changing of engines and generators
  • Replacing of air-condition units and piping.
  • Removal and construction of new salon together with furniture and interiors
  • Extensive painting works.

Lady GG safely berths at our yard every winter and is docked, as necessary. Berthing at our yard proves to be one of the safest spots inside the Grand Harbour. We complement Lady GGs stay by allowing them to berth in an ISPS port facility which includes amongst other things garage storage spaces along the jetty. Lady GG makes use of these spaces to store machinery and equipment which is a must during the cold winter period. Tenders are also duly maintained.

The owner, the captain and his crew have become part of our family at the Yard. Our relationship with them has grown stronger each year and it is a great pleasure hosting them every year.

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Maritime Services

Maritime Services

Fulfilling All Your Maritime Needs

Our wealth of experience gives us the knowledge and tools required to complete all kind of projects in an efficient and high-quality manner.

Maritime Services

Fulfilling All Your Maritime Needs

Our wealth of experience gives us the knowledge and tools required to complete all kind of projects in an efficient and high-quality manner.

All the Maritime Services in one place.

We provide a wide range of maritime services to a vast array of international clients with the highest levels of satisfaction achieved.

Civil Engineering & Design

Our team of civil engineers can design just about anything and fabricate it for your project.


We have the equipment to dredge all kinds of material.

Land Reclamation

Our experience and techniques allow us to reclaim land easily while causing minimal environmental impact.

Beach Replenishment

Winters can take a toll on beaches but at Bezzina Group we have the power and capabilities to restore beaches to their original state.

Port Infrastructure Work

Always involved in the improvement of marine infrastructure.

Breakwaters & Shore Protection

We have the equipment and skills to build or repair breakwaters and shore protection structures.

Quay Refurbishment & Construction

We have the resources to build, repair and refurbish all kind of quays.

Offshore Piling & Geotechnical Investigation

A wealth of experience in performing piles or investigations offshore, even in remote and complex areas.

Installation & Laying of Underwater Cables

Underwater cables are the lifeline of modern society, and we have the expertise and experience to lay them in the most efficient and practical manner.


For all your marine needs.

  • Cutter Suction Dredger
  • Grab Dredgers up to 7m3 Grab capacity
  • Hopper Barges split type up to 660m3
  • Coastal Tug Boats up to 800 tons bollard pull
  • Harbour Tugs up to 250HP
  • Floating cranes up to 100 tons lifting capacity
  • Drilling rig pontoons
  • Submersible pontoon up to 1000 ton lifting capacity
  • Decompression chamber fitted on barge for divers
  • Flat top pontoons measuring 33m x 12m


Inside the Kit Bag

  • Cutter Suction Dredger
  • Grab Dredgers up to 7m3 Grab capacity
  • Hopper Barges split type up to 660m3
  • Coastal Tug Boats up to 800 tons bollard pull
  • Harbour Tugs up to 250HP
  • Floating cranes up to 100 tons lifting capacity
  • Drilling rig pontoons
  • Submersible pontoon up to 1000 ton lifting capacity
  • Decompression chamber fitted on barge for divers
  • Flat top pontoons measuring 33m x 12m

Maritime Services


(+356) 2182 4138, (+356) 2182 9091

Head Office and Yacht Yard

19 – 24, Coal Wharf, Marsa, PLA 2154, Malta

Registered Office

1/3, Church Wharf, Marsa, MRS 1570, Malta

Maritime Services


(+356) 2182 4138, (+356) 2182 9091

Head Office

1/3, Church Wharf, Marsa, MRS 1570, Malta

Yacht Yard

19 – 24, Coal Wharf, Marsa, PLA 2154, Malta

Salv. Bezzina & Sons

Servicing clients for 80 Years – At Salv Bezzina & Sons, we specialize in heavy lifting, heavy haulage and erection of structures.

Yard Facilities

We offer a wide range of yard facilities from repainting to refits and refurbishments at our state-of-the-art Yard in Malta



Salv. Bezzina & Sons

Servicing clients for 80 Years – At Salv Bezzina & Sons, we specialize in heavy lifting, heavy haulage and erection of structures.

Yard Facilities

We offer a wide range of yard facilities from repainting to refits and refurbishments at our state-of-the-art Yard in Malta

Yard Facilities


Tradition Steeped in History

Going back as far as the British Admiralty in 1940’s, giving us an unparalleled level of experience.


Tradition Steeped in History

Going back as far as the British Admiralty in 1940’s, giving us an unparalleled level of experience.

One Stop Shop Yard Facilities

At our state-of-the-art facility we can offer a wide range of facilities – these include painting services, refits and refurbishments.

Steel Works

With an undercover fully equipped workshop of over 2,500m2, our fabrication shop can handle even the largest steel and aluminum projects.


We have experts who carefully prepare and finish off vessels, including yachts to the highest standards.


Fully equipped to repair and rewind motors up to 200HP, as well as fault finding and new installations.


Overhauling of all types of engines, motors, pumps and generators.


Whether you need minor alterations, new teak decking or custom-built units onboard, our carpentry team has the skills to create a masterpiece for your project.

Refits and Conversions

Giving your vessel a makeover has never been easier. Our refitting and conversion teams have a wealth of experience and an eye for detail.

Project Management

Our project managers are some of the best and most experienced in the industry, allowing us to deliver on time, every time!

Safe Storage Facilities

We offer safe long undercover storage at our yard.

Docking Facilities

Our 2 docks each can receive boats up to 70 meters in length. Our facilities are of the highest level and allow us to deliver back to you in the shortest of times.


We will serve you in no time as we stock a large range of parts allowing immediate repairs.

Transhipment hub

We host a major transhipment hub in the Mediterranean. We can effectively forward your yacht spares globally and at any time during the year.

Yacht Husbandry

Once at our ISPS yard your yacht will be supervised by a dedicated team specializing on Yacht Husbandry.


A Safe and Sunny Destination

Malta has one of the best climates and safest waters in the Mediterranean, a solid economy and great flight connections to the rest of the world, making it your number one destination for yard services.


A Safe and Sunny Destination

Malta has one of the best climates and safest waters in the Mediterranean, a solid economy and great flight connections to the rest of the world, making it your number one destination for yard services.


State-of-the-art and certified equipment to service your needs

  • Floating docks up to 8,500 tons (lengths up to 151m, widths up to 29m)
  • Mobile cranes and lifts up to 200 tons
  • Mobile travel lifts up to 30 tons.
  • Floating cranes up to 100 tons lifting capacity.
  • Slipways (Length 23m, beam 7.5 m, depth 3m)
  • 140m quay deep water complete with all related services up to 8m draft.


State-of-the-art and certified equipment

  • Floating docks up to 8,500 tons (lengths up to 151m, widths up to 29m)
  • Mobile cranes and lifts up to 200 tons
  • Mobile travel lifts up to 30 tons.
  • Floating cranes up to 100 tons lifting capacity.
  • Slipways (Length 23m, beam 7.5 m, depth 3m)
  • 140m quay deep water complete with all related services up to 8m draft.

Yard Facilities


(+356) 2182 4138, (+356) 2182 9091

Head Office

1/3, Church Wharf, Marsa, MRS 1570, Malta

Yacht Yard

19 – 24, Coal Wharf, Marsa, PLA 2154, Malta

Yard Facilities


(+356) 2182 4138, (+356) 2182 9091

Head Office

1/3, Church Wharf, Marsa, MRS 1570, Malta

Yacht Yard

19 – 24, Coal Wharf, Marsa, PLA 2154, Malta

Salv. Bezzina & Sons

Since the 1940’s, Salv. Bezzina & Sons is equipped to deal with all types of requirements in heavy lifting and haulage.

Maritime Services

We are leaders in the maritime sector owning the largest fleet of vessels in Malta, all certified, and a large list of satisfied clients and our same burning desire to achieve the best results.



Salv. Bezzina & Sons

Since the 1940’s, Salv. Bezzina & Sons is equipped to deal with all types of requirements in heavy lifting and haulage.

Maritime Services

We are leaders in the maritime sector owning the largest fleet of vessels in Malta, all certified, and a large list of satisfied clients and our same burning desire to achieve the best results.

Salv. Bezzina & Sons

Salv. Bezzina & Sons

Servicing clients for 80 Years

At Salv. Bezzina & Sons, we specialize in heavy lifting, heavy haulage and erection of structures.

Salv. Bezzina & Sons

Servicing clients for 80 Years

At Salv Bezzina & Sons, we specialize in heavy lifting, heavy haulage and erection of structures.

We transform all your dreams into reality.

Whatever your needs are, we’ve got the equipment, tools and experience to complete it in a timely and safe manner.

Heavy Lifting (600 tons)

We’ve got the largest cranes in Malta with lifting capacity up to 600 tons, allowing us to cover your needs with ease.

Heavy Haulage (300 tons)

The heavier the more we specialise. We have the largest trailers in Malta with a load capacity of up to 300 tons.

Fabrication of Steel Structures

Our team of highly trained and certified steel workers can create custom steel structures tailored specifically for your needs.

Erection of Steel Structures

We have the capabilities of erecting steel structures of varying shapes, sizes and weights in a wide array of settings.

Pneumatic Jacking Systems

Our pneumatic jacking systems can lift the heaviest of loads smoothly and with great precision.

Dismantling of Heavy Structures

We dismantle and demolish heavy structures from their existing locations and disposing of all generated waste.


The Tool You Need

  • Crawler Cranes, up to 600 ton lifting capacity
  • Mobile Cranes, lattice boom up to 200 ton lifting capacity
  • Mobile Cranes hydraulic boom, lifting up to 100 tons
  • Low bed trailers up to 200 ton capacity
  • Mechanical units, with up to 250 tons pull
  • Generator diesel driver up to 600 KVA
  • Compressor diesel driver up to 750 cfm
  • Electrical, hydraulic and diesel driven winches up to 50 tons pull
  • Other equipment such as shovels, tipper trucks, lighting trucks up to 200 tons, hydraulic jacks up to1000 tons


The Tool You Need

  • Crawler Cranes, up to 600 ton lifting capacity
  • Mobile Cranes, lattice boom up to 200 ton lifting capacity
  • Mobile Cranes hydraulic boom, lifting up to 100 tons
  • Low bed trailers up to 200 ton capacity
  • Mechanical units, with up to 250 tons pull
  • Generator diesel driver up to 600 KVA
  • Compressor diesel driver up to 750 cfm
  • Electrical, hydraulic and diesel driven winches up to 50 tons pull
  • Other equipment such as shovels, tipper trucks, lighting trucks up to 200 tons, hydraulic jacks up to1000 tons

Salv. Bezzina & Sons


(+356) 2182 4138, (+356) 2182 9091

Head Office

1/3, Church Wharf, Marsa, MRS 1570, Malta

Yacht Yard

19 – 24, Coal Wharf, Marsa, PLA 2154, Malta

Salv. Bezzina & Sons


(+356) 2182 4138, (+356) 2182 9091

Head Office

1/3, Church Wharf, Marsa, MRS 1570, Malta

Yacht Yard

19 – 24, Coal Wharf, Marsa, PLA 2154, Malta

Yard Facilities

We offer a wide range of yard facilities from repainting to refits and refurbishments at our state-of-the-art Yard in Malta

Maritime Services

We are leaders in the maritime sector owning the largest fleet of vessels in Malta, all certified, and a large list of satisfied clients and our same burning desire to achieve the best results.



Yard Facilities

We offer a wide range of yard facilities from repainting to refits and refurbishments at our state-of-the-art Yard in Malta

Maritime Services

We are leaders in the maritime sector owning the largest fleet of vessels in Malta, all certified, and a large list of satisfied clients and our same burning desire to achieve the best results.